Various Technological Aspects of Nano Electro Mechanical Systems-A Review Report
Rina Mahakud, Millee Panigrahi, Santyanarayan Rath
Volume 1: Issue 3, July 2014, pp 139-144
Author's Information
Rina Mahakud1
Corresponding Author
1TAT / ETC, Bhubaneswar, India
Millee Panigrahi2
2TAT / ETC, Bhubaneswar, India
Santyanarayan Rath3
3TAT / ECE, Bhubaneswar, India
NEMS or nano electro mechanical systems are similar to MEMS or micro electro mechanical systems but smaller. They hold promise to improve abilities to measure small displacements and forces at a molecular scale, and are related scale. Nanoelectromechanical systems, or NEMS, are MEMS scaled to submicron dimensions . In this size regime, it is possible to attain extremely high fundamental frequencies while simultaneously preserving very high mechanical responsivity (small force constants). This powerful combination of attributes translates directly into high force sensitivity, operability at ultralow power, and the ability to induce usable nonlinearity with quite modest control forces. The possibility of simple, low cost fabrication, made possible by developments in Nano Imprint Lithography (NIL). This paper discusses the manufacturing aspects of NEMS considering the latest trends in miniaturization with the attention on materials used for nanoscale components. Further it overviews the current applications in the engineering, military, medical applications. The paper also gives the various design aspects like modeling, characterization, simulation, and control for some of the applications along with the packaging aspects nanoscale systems and its components. This paper also provides the environmental impacts of Nano Electro Mechanical Systems..Index Terms:-
Nano technology, Nano Electro Mechanical System, MEMS, high force sensitivity, Nano Imprint Lithography (NIL).REFERENCES
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